Les Citoyens Du Ciel - LCDC

Les Citoyens Du Ciel - LCDC

24 Chemin Saint Pierre, 31170 Tournefeuille

Les Citoyens du Ciel ont pour mission l'inclusion de jeunes en situation d’handicap ou en difficulté sociale par l’utilisation du  vecteur aérien (ULM) pour leur (re)donner confiance en eux et les rendre acteurs de leurs futurs.

We support teenagers with a disability (physical, cognitive, visual, dys, social, etc.) that make them different and very often with a lack of trust. By helping them to ‘believe in their dreams’, becoming actors, knowing themselves better, building a project with others… experimenting flying with microlight aircraft, acrobatic and/or patrol Aircraft they forget stigmatization, they build confidence. At the end of the yearly program, they participate in their inclusion by becoming responsible for their choices and decisions.
Politique de confidentialité